
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

We aim to provide safe and user-friendly platforms that serve the greater digital community, promoting games, apps, movies, e-learning, and fitness products to all its subscribers.

Our AUP aims to ensure our sites are used properly and lawfully and thus sets out the rules for using our sites, including but not limited to setting out prohibited conducts and the consequences for breaching such terms. This AUP applies to all our business and product websites (Sites) and should be interpreted to include existing, new, and developing technologies and uses which may not explicitly be referred to herein.

Any user/s and or business partner who does not wish to be bound by this AUP must cease all use of our services at once.


Intellectual property rights Means the legal rights and protections provided to authors, creators, inventors and/or coders for works created, invented, written etc. by the individual or company.
Intellectual property rights infringement: means conduct that infringes and or violates the rights of content creators, inventors, authors of work.
Sites:: means corporate, product and or service websites
Subscriber: means a customer who has completed a subscription process and is a registered paid user on our product sites.
User: means any visitor to any of our company and r business websites.

Acceptable use of our sites

User/s, and subscribers may use our sites only for the purpose related to its design. Our sites are designed for you to use and enjoy the content provided. This excludes conduct that amounts to misuse of our sites, its members and or the products provided.

Contact us: we are here to support, whether you call, email or interact with our Bot friends we are ready to assist with any queries you may have.
Interactions with the products: you may use and/or download our content within the confines or of this policy.
Join the community: whether you are a gamer at heart or a fitness guru, you are invited to join our community chat of online subscribers.
Tell a friend about us: though we protect the use and association of our brands we encourage our users to spread the word about our products and services in a way that encourages new users to join our community of subscribers.

Prohibited conduct on or against our sites

By using our services and sites you as the user undertake to do so honestly and within the confines of the law, including not partaking in any conduct aimed at misleading and/or misusing our services or fellow users. Users who interact, subscribe and/or use our sites may not use our sites in a way that:

• Breaches applicable local and or international laws and regulations;
• Promotes or amounts to unlawful and or fraudulent conduct
• May cause or attempt to cause harm to us, our brands or any of our users or products;
• Include sending, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or reuse any material/s which does not meet community content guidelines below;
• Probs, scans, and or tests the vulnerability of our systems or networks;
• Breach or circumvent any security or authentication mechanisms;
• Interferes with and or disrupt users, host, or network by, but not limited to, sending or uploading viruses, Trojan Horses, worms, timebombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful software,
• Amounts to spamming and/or mail bombing, sending unsolicited messages and/or sending marketing material over any part of the service including our community chats;
• Amounts to creating fake accounts, bulk accounts, data scraping, phishing and or spoofing;
• Our content once in use or downloaded is not open for monetisation. All items are license protected and may not be reused or resold in a way that amounts to monetary gain, unjustified enrichment and may lead to intellectual property rights infringement.

Community Content Guidelines

User/s and or subscribers are not to upload and or send content if it:

• Contains nudity or explicit sexual/pornographic contents of any kind. focuses on providing mainstream content to its users free from adult or sexually-oriented content;
• Contains a visual presentation of explicit violent sexual conduct, bestiality, incest, rape and/or extreme violence, which constitutes incitement to cause harm;
• We have a zero tolerance policy attached to sharing content related to minors and or threatening to share nude pictures of others;
• Results in any unreasonable invasion of privacy and or leads to privacy infringement.
• Induces an unacceptable sense of fear or anxiety;
• Encourages and/or incites any person to engage in dangerous practices or to use harmful substances. • Promotes bigotry, harassment, or discrimination based on any protected category or characteristic, including, without limitation, race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age;
• Causes grave or widespread offense;
• Debases, degrades or demeans any user and or The Company including its group entities;
• No negative comments, threats, offering prizes in exchange for sharing of content and or likes is a mainstream service and does not allow for users to share and contact other user’s to promote a business directly with community chat members; and/or
• The offering of sexual services, invites for buying, selling or donating firearms, alcohol, and tobacco products between private individuals, and buying, selling or donation of non-medical or pharmaceutical drugs are also not allowed.

Action and remedies available to us as the Company

A breach of our AUP comes with several consequences based on the severity of the breach. We as the Company reserves our rights to at our sole discretion apply any one or more of the following consequences to a user or users who fall foul of our AUP. However, we are not obligated to monitor and enforce the requirements of this AUP, which is administered at our discretion.

1) Terminations and Suspensions by The Company
The Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate a User’s Level Up Content account or a User’s access to all or part of the Service if:
A user materially or repeatedly breaches Level Up Content terms and conditions, policies and guidelines.
The company is legally required to do so;
The Company reasonably believes that user’s conduct has or may result in liability and/or harm to any users, other third parties, The Company and/or our Affiliates.

Effect of Account Suspension or Termination
If your Level Up Content account is terminated it means that access to our products and services will be blocked, and the right to use any of the products will be removed without further notice and independently of any other decisions that may be taken by The Company.

2) Further Legal Actions against you
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards misuse of our sites and unlawful conduct and reserve our rights as a company to take any and all applicable legal actions against any user and/or subscribers who violate this AUP and any other policy, terms or guidelines provided on our sites.
Any attempt to deliberately impede the normal functioning of Level Up Content is illegal and we shall have the right to claim for any loss and/or damages caused or sustained by us. We further reserve our right to file any further applicable legal actions including but not limited to criminal charges.

Keep our sites safe

Each user, whether you are a user, loyal subscriber and/or third-party contractor, plays an important role in maintaining the site’s safety and upholding our policies and guidelines, so should you see something that you think may violate our AUP, please help us by reporting issues through emailing our customer support team on our Support Page .